Mayor Fukuda and the 100th Anniversary of Kawasaki City Government
Today I had the pleasure of meeting with Mayor Fukuda of Kawasaki Cityto ask himquestions and more about the works of the event for the 100th anniversary of the city government.
The City of Kawasaki itself has a historical background that has continued to utilize diversity in its locale, and this will be further colored in the new century. break=”true”>that will be further colored in the new 100 years.
In fact, we will have a mini-conversation with Mayor Fukuda after the live painting! true”>Mayor Fukuda will have a mini-conversationwith us after the live painting!
If we can mention diversity in the dialogue, I hope that we can bring it back as a keyword to the rest of the region as wellI hope you can take it back with you.
Finally…Mayor, he is a busy mayorI was really hoping to just send you the questionnaireI was hoping to receive a written responsefrom the Kawasaki City Kawasaki Ward Office, Mr. Izumi and Mr. Kazuki. Thanks to them,we will be able to ask them directly.Finally…
I really appreciate the variousopportunitiesI have been given.
On the day of the event, we will express the time of 100 years.
Date: Sunday, November 5, 13:00-13:25
Location: City Hall Street Center Stage (road space on the side of the new main building of City Hall from the old Tokaido to National Route 15)